One Hour After...

One Hour After...
The Führer, clutching a badly bruised right arm walks together with Field Marshal Keitel, Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goring and Head of the Reich Chancellery Martin Bormann on their way to see the wounded officers. A handful of photos survive of this short walk which proved to Germany and the world that Hitler had, once again survived a deadly attack. Our 4-figure set is based on one of the photos.
Preis bei 1Set 179,99 EUR

Produktnummer LAH201
nicht vorrätig 
Lieferung 4-6 Tage
Producent King & Country
The Führer, clutching a badly bruised right arm walks together with Field Marshal Keitel, Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goring and Head of the Reich Chancellery Martin Bormann on their way to see the wounded officers. A handful of photos survive of this short walk which proved to Germany and the world that Hitler had, once again survived a deadly attack. Our 4-figure set is based on one of the photos.

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